Tuesday 3 March 2015

How to deal with workplace stress

Getting stressed during work is sometimes natural and justified, but it’s upsetting when you get daily stressors at work. You can’t always work in an uneasy manner, feeling anxious, scared and panic. So you have to have the technique to response stress. Learn to confront your problem. It’s something very important in every walk of life, but in a professional course of life its worth having for your progress. Here we will discuss that what are the symptoms of stress and few brief tips on lessening workplace stress and beating down workplace anxiety. Will critically analyse that how can it harm your job. if you have losted your job, you may find jobs in Pakistan with a better attitude.

Signs of workplace stress and anxiety
You often feel anxiety at workplace by underestimating yourself. Like you are not competent to give your best. Or if your supervisor is dealing in a rude way. There are different sings which shows that you are stressed or strained. Like, sweating, stammering, distressing that you’re noticeably nervous because of blushing. And sometime your mind goes blank for no reason.
·        Experiencing physical signs such as a racing pulse, shaking, cold hands or gastrointestinal disturbance in response to certain workplace stressors.
·        Usually dodging certain tasks such as making presentations, returning phone calls, speaking up at meetings or concluding difficult projects.
Tips to overcome workplace anxiety
If you’re eager to be considered as a best professional then you have to beat your stresses and unprofessional behaviors. All you can do it with:
·        Encourage yourself in the same way as you encourage your friend, use supportive words and motivational thoughts.
·        No one is perfect, but you may make efforts to done things perfectly so “People want to hear what you have to say."  Be confident and possibly give your best. Sometimes your qualities get crushed by your own behavior.  Like, assuming ‘’ohh no’’ my idea or my suggestion will be rejected so I better stay quiet. No, it’s not the case, your idea can bulb more ideas.
·        Criticism is a healthy thing and evaluating one’s own performance is a worthy practice, but provide yourself with positive and helpful criticism not the destructive one.
·        "Practice, but don't overdo it." "Spend some time thinking to prepare some answers to what people may ask you during a meeting."
Be objective
Asking questions is part of excelling. Learn more, your job does not depend on this single event. This is one of many assignments.
Be Coachable
Learn to accept your adrenaline. Just do your best.
Welcome new things
Think out of the box. Welcome to different approaches. Build new skills. Expect a positive payoff from a project you dread.
You may lose your job by the Workplace avoidance

Though avoiding the things that trigger anxiety somewhat works. But avoidance does not work in the long term. And it could keep you from getting promoted, it can ruin the job interview process. Even you may lose your job. So always adopt a positive and constructive approach towards your problems. 

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